Rachel Shackleton's blog


Sunscreen is something that most of us would not go without during the summer season. As we know, the sun’s rays can be very damaging to the skin and can potentially with extensive periods of time under the sun’s rays, lead to skin cancer. Consequently, we use it liberally for our children and ourselves when taking time out in the sun, whether on holiday, hiking, gardening or simply sitting outside to catch some rays.

A case of treating the cause and not the symptoms

With the ever-escalating chronic disease, including autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, cancers of various kinds, as well as just being unwell, lacking energy, feeling tired and fatigued, catching one cold after another, it is important that practitioners keep an eye on the cause while treating the symptoms. Of course, we want to alleviate the client from pain and discomfort by treating the symptoms, but not at the cost of losing track of the main cause.


Many of us find it difficult to cope with the inclement, cold, grey weather. With the shortage of sunlight comes the desire to simply stay indoors, bunker down, eat warming hearty foods, probably a bit too many sugary foods, forgetting the New Year resolutions or monthly targets to improve diet, exercise more, or simply lead a more healthy life.


Coming out of winter months and transitioning into spring is always a special time of year as everything starts to buzz with life and oscillate between bright, fresh, intense sun, extreme wind and rain.  All elements playing their role in generating new bright green growth, vibrant flowers and energy in everything and everyone!  Energy for “Spring Cleaning!”.

Electromagnetic Frequencies and Impact on Health Explained

As our world becomes more reliant on electrical frequencies to drive the digital world in which we live, could this be having an impact on health? These two things are seldom thought of together and in this blog guest blogger Samir  Derrar, EMF Consultant of www.emf-hunters.com and trusted partner of Green Key Health, explains the technology and potential effects on mental and physical health.