Rachel Shackleton's blog

Finding the New Norm

The current situation driven by the COVID19 pandemic has forced each one of us to change our normal behaviour patterns.  For some causing chaos and disruption before finding the way to live within your changed environment.  For others the same situation might be bringing the peace and space so often longed for in the busyness of daily life, perceiving this pandemic as a gift.

Kindness Costs Nothing: Building Healthy Relationships

Research points to the importance of social relationships.  It is probably fair to say that all members of the animal kingdom demonstrate the need for relationships.  Horses spend time grooming each other, monkeys likewise, deer are seldom found alone. Are humans any different?

When asking someone why they like to work in a particular place, with a particular company usually coming up in the top five reasons is “social relationships”.

How is Your Digestion?

The digestive system is a system that processes organic matter into nutrients and waste.  How good this system is depends on energy levels, state of mind and body as well as longevity.  In general, digestion becomes less effective as we age.

Reflections on Filling Yourself Up First: Fresh Air Fridays in January

For many, last week was the first full week back at work since the Christmas break and it may have been a challenge, leaving you feeling stressed, and made even more difficult by doing your best to put all the Christmas decorations away for another year, whilst focusing on keeping new year’s resolutions.