
When you first meet Rachel, you are encouraged by the fact that she lives her passion and is a testament to her career.

She draws from her wealth of knowledge and experience and has a holistic approach to how she cares for her patients and helps them achieve their optimal health.

Rachel is passionate about her work and lives her life through her practice. I found that the healing Rachel did on me was tremendously beneficial. I understand that sometimes emotional trauma can lead to physiological manifestations. Rachel’s treatment was considered and professional coupled with a warm sense of caring. I highly recommend Rachel.     

D Raymond

I started seeing Rachel for help with allergies, but we've also been working on releasing what no longer (or never) served me and clearing the way to move forward. Rachel inspires confidence, she listens carefully and checks her understanding with questions which are sometimes challenging as they encourage me to consider things. As someone who tends to over-think, I value kinesiology as a way of bypassing the mind and tuning into the body's inner wisdom - and it's uncanny how often we mention something and then my body confirms what I need. I've also benefitted from Rachel's knowledge and advice about supplements to take to support me at certain times. Working with Rachel has been life-changing and I highly recommend Rachel's services.

Kate L

Rachel has a unique way of working with clients, which is completely focused on the needs of the client. Having to define what the actual problem is and what outcome I would like to achieve was the first step. Because Rachel works with several methods of alternative therapies I had a choice which method I would like to try out. Kinesiology in combination with Orchid Essences worked brilliantly for me and helped me to improve my sleep patterns and reduce the levels of stress. I would highly recommend Rachel to anyone who wants to improve their health and did not find the answers in conventional medicine.

Mili C.

Rachel is a treasure chest of wisdom. She has been my naturopath for a few years now and has really helped me. She’s very generous and I’m so grateful to know her.

V Rainbow

"I'm feeling much better and (fingers crossed) my menstrual cycle seems to be getting back to normal.  Thank you very much for your help."

L Turner

Saturday was a great talk, as was the one I attended at The Isbourne on Immune Health Naturally back in the autumn.
Thank you once again! And many thanks to Rachel for another extremely informative and engaging session.


I started suffering with Gout in my mid 30’s. Initially the attacks were roughly 6 months apart and I needed to take very occasional days off work due to the discomfort. Wind forward to my late 50’s and the attacks grew in frequency and intensity to a point 6 months ago when I was off work for nearly 2 weeks and couldn’t sleep for around a week in the middle of the attack.

Historically I have been rather sporty - regularly running and cycling and considered my diet to be a healthy one. I decided that after the recent attack that something had to change, and Rachel was adamant that she could help.

She suggested that for a 3-month period I should cut out alcohol, wheat, dairy, caffeine and red meat. Monthly ‘Tinctures’ were assembled to cleanse those systems in conjunction with a strict diet regime. A Kinesiology session also identified vitamin deficiencies which were prescribed accordingly.

Since Rachel's intervention several months ago I have had no major Gout attacks and due to the almost immediate weight loss and feeling re-energised I have subsequently commissioned a Professional Cycling coach to enable return to competitive cycling in the spring of next year.

Rachel – thankyou.


I have known Rachel for over 15 years and followed closely her journey to becoming the amazing practitioner she is today.

I have treatments on a regular basis to maintain a good level of wellness in every sense of the word (in the same way as I have my car serviced and mot’d!!) However, Rachel has been incredibly supportive over the past year whilst I have been dealing with a particularly stressful period in my life. She is insightful, understanding and practical, and has a wealth of knowledge and experience to call upon.

Thank you Rachel.


"Hi Rachel
Just an email to let you know that I went to the doctors yesterday she was amazed at where my blood pressure was and the readings I had taken.  I have also reduced the Losartan from 100mg to 50mg over the period as well as stopping the water pill that I was on for a short time.  She asked what it was I was taking and seemed very impressed and actually could not believe it!"

Grace Muir

"My Osteopath recommended Rachel to me as someone that could help me with certain issues. From the very first appointment with Rachel, I was made to feel welcome, and was listened to. Rachel was helpful to such a degree that I have made tremendous progress from the treatment I received. I have no hesitation in recommending Rachel. I also take this time to wish Rachel the very best going forward in her career, and I am sure that no matter which avenue she takes, her clients will always receive the highest level of care and professionalism."
