News & Events
2020 Total views: 2,265 Comment count: 0
14th July, 2020
These weekday 30 minute virtual drop-in groups will provide you with a safe space to destress and breathe again. A Fresh Air Fridays Facilitator will lead the group in real time (no pre-recordings).
2020 Total views: 973 Comment count: 0
2nd July, 2020
With all the stress, fear and anxiety happening surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, it's important, now more than ever, to be aware of your health, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
I recorded this interview for UK Health Radio, with Catherine Carrigan, well before coronavirus ever hit - it's relevance now hasn't escaped me.
2020 Total views: 1,117 Comment count: 0
27th June, 2020
My next office hours in the Cheltenham clinic will be on 27th June from 9:30am-6:30pm.
Location: Bishops Cleeve Osteopaths (10 Oakfield Road, Bishop's Cleeve, GL528LD)
New and existing clients are welcome!
Please book your appointment here.
2020 Total views: 970 Comment count: 0
15th June, 2020
As of 15th June, I will be holding regular clinic hours in the Wantage office. Cheltenham office hours will open as of 27th June.
During this time, I will be strictly monitoring and abiding by the government guidelines.
You may continue to book online appointments, if that remains more convenient for you.
2020 Total views: 964 Comment count: 0
5th June, 2020
These weekday 30 minute virtual drop-in groups will provide you with a safe space to destress and breathe again. A Fresh Air Fridays Facilitator will lead the group in real time (no pre-recordings).
It is free to join, and no registration is required. Simply find the day and time that works for you and click the link to join the group.
2020 Total views: 929 Comment count: 0
21st May, 2020
During the Coronavirus Pandemic, in accordance with the government directive I will be holding appointments via Zoom in order to protect your safety.
2020 Total views: 824 Comment count: 0
15th May, 2020
We at Fresh Air Fridays are keen to offer support during this lock down period. Virtual sessions will follow a similar format to our face to face ones. Book on to a session to receive a link to this month's podcast. We request that you listen to the podcast before the session start so that we can explore the theme together as a small group using a virtual online platform.
2020 Total views: 1,029 Comment count: 0
Saturday 21st March, 2020
Thinking of doing a liver detox to remove the winter heaviness, ready for spring? I'll be at the Cheltenham clinic all day, accepting new and existing clients for Kinesiology, Herbal Medicine, and Naturopathy appointments!
2020 Total views: 952 Comment count: 0
Saturday, 22nd February, 2020
I'm at the Cheltenham clinic all day, accepting new and existing clients for Kinesiology, Herbal Medicine, and Naturopathy appointments!
Please get more information and book your appointment, here.
2020 Total views: 861 Comment count: 0
18th February, 2020
Join us for our next Fresh Air Fridays session where we will explore Being Present with like-minded people getting outside to feel good inside.
Date: Tuesday 18th February
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
Location and other details, as well as registration is happening over on the website!