Electromagnetic Frequencies and Impact on Health Explained

Electromagnetic field lines in the home

As our world becomes more reliant on electrical frequencies to drive the digital world in which we live, could this be having an impact on health? These two things are seldom thought of together and in this blog guest blogger Samir  Derrar, EMF Consultant of www.emf-hunters.com and trusted partner of Green Key Health, explains the technology and potential effects on mental and physical health.

EMF stands for Electro-Magnetic Field and is a term that is usually used to refer to the energy radiated from any electrical or electronic equipment or device as well as the connecting cables to a power source.

EMF which is also referred to as; Electronic Pollution, Electro-smog, High & Low Frequency Radiations and EMR (Electromagnetic radiation) and come in the following forms:

Low Frequency Radiation:

Also known as Electric Field and is generated by live electrical household wiring which runs from our 50Hz supply and generally travels up to 8 feet from the source or farther. The strength and intensity of electric fields depends on the level of voltage carried by the wire and number of sources generating it. Electric fields exist on wires even when devices are switched off.

Sources of electric fields that we interact and use every day are household or commercial wiring circuits, and all of the devices, equipment and machinery (light or heavy) that are powered by them. Utility cables and power lines that supply our household circuits and industrial plants, power stations and sub-stations as well as distribution lines also emit high electric field levels. Finally, each electrical and electronic device that is powered by the mains electrical circuit that is fed into your building or place of work does emit an electric field.

Magnetic Field:

It is a low electromagnetic radiation produced by current flow. Magnetic Field is caused by imbalance in the electric current flowing in the cable due to wiring faults and can therefore vary considerably from one household to another. While, Electric fields are stopped by most building materials and can be shielded, magnetic fields penetrate most materials as if it wasn't there and there is no shielding solution for it. The main and possibly the only factor that reduces magnetic fields is distance from the source.

Other sources that generate Magnetic fields are power lines,  train lines, utility supply, any household or commercial devices and equipment that uses electricity to heat or cool, or to spin a motor: hair dryers, straighteners and curlers, heaters, shavers, electric toothbrushes, hoovers, mixers, washing machines, tumble dryers, ovens, kettles, toasters, blenders, sowing machines, sun beds, hot tubs, power tools, workshop and factory machinery, electric & combustion engine vehicles and the list goes on…

High Frequency Radiation

Also known as RF (Radio Frequency) radiation and is in the non-ionizing band of frequencies covering both radio and microwave radiations levels.  Radio waves are used to convey information from one place to another though the air. Cell phones, WiFi routers, Bluetooth, Radio & Television broadcast, Radar and satellite are just a few examples of our wireless communication infrastructure. These high frequency airborne waves travel thousands of miles and can penetrate walls and most solid objects with little or no attenuation. Other sources of RF include home entertainment systems, Alexa devices, baby monitors, surveillance cameras and security systems, wireless heating systems and all IoT - Internet of Things - devices, smart meters, Bluetooth devices, ear pods, hearing aids and all wearable devices.

Dirty Electricity:

Dirty Electricity refers to spikes and surges of electrical energy that travel along household wires in buildings. This type of electronic pollution is created by many modern electronic gadgets, appliances, lighting and power solutions whose standard electrical current mode of operation has been manipulated in order to operate. Dirty Electricity radiates electromagnetic fields into rooms as it propagates. Main sources of dirty electricity are LEDs, solar panels, domestic appliances, switch mode power supplies and dimmer switches.

Note that while the cause of dirty electricity could originate from within your property it can also come from beyond the boundaries of your home or place of work. 

Geopathic Stress:

Geopathic Stress is an excess of natural radiations and vibrations in inner earth. Most cultures are aware that excesses of these natural radiations are damaging to one's health and not good to sleep over, notably, water veins. There are many different types of Geopathic stress, five of which, most people and geologists agree exist: Hartman lines, Curry lines, fault lines, water veins and ground mixing.

These subtle energy lines are subject to fluctuation or change and the quality of energies that radiate from them can be either harmful or beneficial to us, depending on the nature of the energies, how much they have been impacted by man-made radiations and / or earth disturbances in their vicinity.

How does EMF interact with our bodies?

Your body is an electromagnetic system – your brain works by processing trillions of electromagnetic signals and regulating very complex biological processes. Information is interpreted and stored electrically and your central nervous system that detects and passes tiny electrical signals from the nerves in your sensory organs - skin, tongue, lips, ears, eyes and nose.  Any external disruption of these senses and to the ability to sense these minute electrical signals can affect you hugely - physically, mentally and emotionally.

The environment in which most people live is becoming toxic with more and more people reporting hyper-sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation from simply being able to feel the effects of domestic appliances, nearby radio transmitters and subtle earth energies (Geopathic Stress).

Below is a short list of some of the conditions that have been linked to some of the various electro-magnetic emitting technologies mentioned above by some of the worlds pioneering professionals in this field;

Anxiety – Fatigue - Depression - Disorientation - Dizziness/Loss of Balance – Lack of concentration  - Tinnitus - Brain Tumours - Dementia - Leukaemia - Breast Cancer – Prostate Cancer -  Various other forms of cancer - Vascular Conditions - Heart Conditions - Respiratory Problems - Hyperactivity – ADHD – Autism – heart palpitations - Cognitive Disorders - Nervous System Disorders, and the list goes on…….

In Green Key Health treatments for these ailments are often seen. Does this mean that the cause is from EMF’s? The answer to that question is quite difficult because essentially you are isolating the frequencies, which is not possible unless the research is done in controlled circumstances, but certainly EMF’s will be exacerbating and perhaps even accelerating symptoms due to heightened sensitivity.

If you think you are suffering from any of the above symptoms or would simply like to have your home checked for EMF, please write to us: info@emf-hunters.com or rachel@greenkeypersonaldevelopment.com

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