25 December 2024Having trouble finding a suitable gift for a friend, family member or colleague? Select from our treatments for a gift certificate-kinesiology, herbal medicine, naturopathy or reiki. Prices start from £35 for 30 minutes. Comments Unwell Permalink Submitted by Sherelee Furmie on Tue, 14/03/2023 - 14:23 Good day. Please advise on your tariffs for a doctors appointment for my Aunt. She has been extremely unwell and doesn't know what is the matter. reply Rates for consultations Permalink Submitted by Rachel Shackleton on Fri, 26/04/2024 - 10:26 Sherelee, Kindly refer to the treatments link on the website for all rates. reply Add new comment You must have Javascript enabled to use this form. Your name Subject Comment * More information about text formats What code is in the image? * Enter the characters shown in the image.Generate a new captcha Save Preview
Good day. Please advise on your tariffs for a doctors appointment for my Aunt. She has been extremely unwell and doesn't know what is the matter.
Rates for consultations
Sherelee, Kindly refer to the treatments link on the website for all rates.
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