Conquering Diabetes 2

Processed food - Type 2 Diabetes #Green Key Health

It is staggering to know that Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing chronic conditions in the Western world. An estimated 1 in 15 people has Type 2 diabetes in the UK.  That means 3.7 million people suffer with this disease.  Which is equal to 10% of the NHS budget!  How long is it going to take for us to realize that in most cases Type 2 Diabetes is self-inflicted through an inappropriate diet, lack of exercise, and in many instances stress?  This means that this type of diabetes is completely reversible.

Suffers of Diabetes, if left untreated or not taken seriously can cause many serious complications, such as amputation of limbs and/or loss of eye sight due to high volumes of glucose circulating in the blood like toxic waste. Medication does get the disease under control, but so can nature’s medicine chest, combined with dietary and lifestyle changes.

Using the modalities of herbal medicine to assist the body in removing the high volume of glucose, and therefore regulating blood sugar, naturopathy to provide the necessary guidance and advice for eating a diet that is not rich in fast burning carbohydrates and sugars, whilst ensuring adequate and abundant energy, as well as kinesiology to test the body to ensure it is aligned with the needed changes and that the correct supplements are taken.

Avoidance and correction of Type 2 diabetes is within the reach of the individual.   Some simple tips to get started:

  • Eat fresh food only and food that is in its natural state.  In other words avoid processed foods, such as ready meals, take-away meals and packet sauces, soups etc.
  • Cut out carbohydrates that are fast burning – bread, (and all wheat containing foods), breakfast cereals, potatoes and pasta.  Replace this with lentils, chickpeas, quinoa or brown rice.
  • Increase vegetables especially green leafy vegetables.  The old phrase of “eat the rainbow every day” comes to mind.
  • Eat a protein that does not necessarily need to come from an animal source.  For example peas, lentils and chickpeas all contain protein.
  • Drink a minimum of 1 litre of water daily and increase this over time to 2 litres.
  • Take exercise – walk briskly for 20 minutes per day, or the equivalent through another form of exercise, whether that be dancing, cycling, tennis, swimming or going to the gym.

As you start to feel more healthy, your energy increases and you sleep better this will likely encourage you to follow a more healthy diet and lifestyle going forward.



The Hidden Epidemic, Matt Rudd

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