Riot In The First Chakra

The aftermath of the COVID19 pandemic is still emerging as we return to a semi-normal life of eating out, shopping and for some working in the office environment, most of which is under some kind of mask.


What is the fear surrounding COVID19 doing to your first chakra?

The Base chakra, also known as the First, Root and Earth chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the colour red.  It represents tribal connections – society, family, groups etc.   It is the source of the coiled serpent energies of yoga, referred to as “Kundalini” in Sanskrit.  The chakra extends down through the feet to the earth. 

Organs associated with this chakra are lower pelvic areas, testes and ovaries, tissues, bones and bone marrow as well as the anus and rectum.  This energy stimulates the adrenal glands, the intestines and the evacuation of faeces.  The associated physiologic functions are excretion, reproduction and immunity.

As many of the body’s red and white blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow, dysfunction of this chakra can contribute to immune-deficiency problems, such as flu, the common cold, and states of chronic fatigue associated with loss of vitality.  If the first chakra is malfunctioning this will be seen in Do you know the impact your root chakra has on your health and wellbeing? This blog explains the signs of a malfunctioning root chakra, a balanced root chakra, and 7 steps you can take to stimulate yours. Read it here.the physical body in disorders associated with the parts of the body that it governs. For example,

  • Disorders of the bowel, anus and large intestine
  • Disorders of bones, teeth
  • Issues with legs, feet, knees, base of spine, buttocks
  • Eating disorders
  • Low immunity - Frequent illness

Considering the emotional and spiritual aspects of this chakra, it is about grounding, fear and safety issues as well as basic survival instincts.  Catching COVID itself and the elements of fear created in this pandemic such as social isolation, the fear of redundancy and financial issues caused through drop in income, all impact the emotional and spiritual aspects of the first chakra.

Clearly, to keep yourself free from COVID19 a strong immune function as well as feelings of positivity, optimism and joy are paramount together with basic hygiene guidelines of washing hands regularly, social distancing, and avoiding sneezing and breathing directly on others, both of which are difficult through a mask!

As this chakra is also about social and family connections, social distancing has and continues to interfere with the essential and natural human habits of hugging, touching, shaking hands and kissing that is a part of most cultures.  The first chakra energy plays an essential role during the first five years of life.  To get this energy to flow steadily and to settle into the body, the infant is given care, love and warmth through caressing, cuddling and massaging.  Balanced characteristics of the Earth chakra:

  • Good health
  • Vitality
  • Well grounded
  • Comfortable in the body
  • Feelings of safety and security
  • Stability and ability to relax and be still
  • Sense of trust to the world


7 Steps you can take to develop, stimulate and support the first chakra to keep it strong and functioning well under the fear generated by COVID19

  1. To develop, stimulate and support the first chakra to keep it strong, your immune strong and to minimise the effects of fear on the performance of the first chakra, helping you feel grounded, confident, positive and loved, use daily affirmations, such as: Do you know the impact your root chakra has on your health and wellbeing? This blog explains the signs of a malfunctioning root chakra, a balanced root chakra, and 7 steps you can take to stimulate yours. Read it here.
  • It is safe for me to be here – The earth supports me and meets my needs
  • I love my body and trust its wisdom
  • I am immersed in abundance
  • I exist and I am real
  • I am the creator and power in my own life
  1. To heal the potential impact of this global fear on the physical level it is important to re-connect with the body through physical activities such as dance, aerobics, weight training and power walking. 
  2. Meditation to support grounding is also very powerful when you are feeling ungrounded.
  3. Prayer and giving gratitude for the small things in life helps to focus the mind on all the positives rather than the negatives.
  4. Walking barefoot in nature, even if only on the back lawn.  Standing barefoot on the grass connects your energy system to mother earth, channelling her powerful earth energy into your base chakra.
  5. Wear red clothing on the base chakra – underwear, socks, skirt, trousers etc. As the colour red corresponds to the first chakra, this can also provide energy to the chakra and consequently to your feeling and emotions around COVID19.
  6. Hatha yoga (when it is permitted), is also beneficial as is touch and massage.



Would you like to discuss something prior to booking your kinesiology, naturopathic and herbal consultation, please contact Rachel directly. 



New here? I write about how to take a holistic approach to health and well-being, to treat illness and help you be the best you can be. You can read similar blogs here:


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Do you know the impact your root chakra has on your health and wellbeing? This blog explains the signs of a malfunctioning root chakra, a balanced root chakra, and 7 steps you can take to stimulate yours. Read it here.Do you know the impact your root chakra has on your health and wellbeing? This blog explains the signs of a malfunctioning root chakra, a balanced root chakra, and 7 steps you can take to stimulate yours. Read it here.Do you know the impact your root chakra has on your health and wellbeing? This blog explains the signs of a malfunctioning root chakra, a balanced root chakra, and 7 steps you can take to stimulate yours. Read it here.Do you know the impact your root chakra has on your health and wellbeing? This blog explains the signs of a malfunctioning root chakra, a balanced root chakra, and 7 steps you can take to stimulate yours. Read it here. 

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