Rachel Shackleton's blog

Time for spring cleaning?

This time of year is always so special.  Everything starts to buzz with life and oscillate between bright, fresh, intense sun, extreme wind and rain.  All elements playing their role in generating new bright green growth, vibrant flowers and energy in everything and everyone!  Energy for “Spring Cleaning!”.

Your immune system - the natural way to boost your health

This year the immune system of many people seems to be under terrible attack, irrelevant of age.  Viruses are sweeping through schools, public transport and any other public place, grabbing victims on the way and forcing you take to your bed for at least four days (that’s if you were lucky!) with fever, general weakness, coughing and in some cases even vomiting. 

Why Eat An Alkaline Diet?

To maintain a healthy gut throughout life the balance between acidity and alkalinity is very important.  Naturally, as we age, the gut becomes less effective at digesting and absorbing foods, therefore it is important to ensure gut health earlier in life to serve us well into our later years.  Digestion determines energy level, physical and mental health as well as longevity. 

Brain Health - Naturally!

Herbs and Natural Brain Health 

“Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favour compared with the products of nature, the living cell of the plant, the final result of the rays of sun, the mother of all life.”  –T.A Edison