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Food is not just something that is eaten to provide life, food is much more than that. As Jill Dupleix said “Don't eat vegetables because they are good for you. Eat them for one reason alone. Because they are gorgeous.” This quote could easily be applied to food in general – Don't just eat food because it is good for you. Eat it because it is gorgeous.


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This blog has been a long time in the coming. In my practice as a Naturopath and Medical Herbalist I see many clients with issues connected to weight, especially being overweight with the desire to lose some of it. Invariably the person has tried everything from several of the many diets out there – paleo, counting calories, juicing, veganism and in desperation doing something as drastic as having a gastric band fitted through invasive surgery to lessen the size of the stomach, which in turn means you eat less, thus helping you lose weight. That's the theory any way


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Rachel was interviewed by The Association of Master Herbalists as part of their "Meet the Herbalist" series last year. Watch the video here, or read the transcript if you prefer:



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Medicine – Reactive or Proactive, Individual or Whole?

How is it that our medical system has become reactive and looks at the human mind and body in separate parts addressing only those parts that are malfunctioning, ignoring the rest?

Treating the Whole Person

Oftentimes, I am working with a client who is being treated allopathically for some kind of health condition, for example acid reflux, insomnia, hypertension or arthritis, and the medication they are taking is causing other conditions to appear – swollen ankles, malabsorption of vitamins and nourishment from food, tension headaches, nausea and so on.


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Woman drinking water

With the incredible temperatures we are experiencing this summer, the need to drink to keep hydrated is essential to avoid fainting, drowsiness, light-headedness and lack of energy.


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For as long as I can remember, the British population has received and continues to receive information about foods that are good for you to eat and foods that are not good for you. Do you remember the great margarine challenge? Is it margarine or butter and how those chosen to do the tasting were unable to “tell the difference” because margarine tasted so good?


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Back at work in the office, or even if you are still working from home, working in the current heat of 25-27 degrees C can be quite difficult, heat often causes difficulty concentrating and drains energy in simply trying to stay cool.  Here are a few tips on how you can stay cool in the summer heat:


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During the hot June week, I was sitting in my garden enjoying my lunch pondering on which herb to feature in this month’s blog. Starring me in the face was and still is the beautiful Lemon Melissa, a calming herb commonly known as Lemon Balm, or by Melissa officinalis, its Latin name. “Melissa” comes from the Greek for bee and refers to the great attraction the plant holds for bees during its short flowering season.


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Foeniculum vulgare is a member of the Apiaceae family. It is a warm, spicy sweet herb that has affinity to the liver, kidneys, spleen – the seat of the immune system as well as the stomach. The main actions are to regulate Qi or Chi (depending on your spelling). Qi is the seat of energy within the body.

"Tossing doughnuts, fritters or fried dumplings in fennel sugar adds grown-up complexity without diminishing the indulgence factor”

Yotam Ottolenghi

Fennel is a rich source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibre as well as folic acid and phosphorous. It is also a good source of minerals including manganese, iron, calcium, magnesium and molybdenum.


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Woman with hayfever

Walking around the Oxfordshire countryside last week, I couldn't help notice the many fields of yellow at different stages of flowering. Of course, a very familiar sight at this time of year, not only in Oxfordshire, but across the country. Rape has many benefits to the farmer, firstly it controls blackgrass through stale seedbeds and then because of the earliness of maturity it provides an early entry for winter wheat, helping to spread the workload, free up storage as well as the farmer’s cash flow. Rape seed is grown for animal feed, vegetable seed oil and biodiesel.