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“Interoception” is not a new concept, it was already receiving attention over 10 years ago. However, with rising numbers of people suffering from mental health illnesses, often emotion and mood related is triggered by external factors that lead to internalising negative thoughts and feelings frequently to a point of “no control.”  Consequently, “interoception” as a concept takes the stage more noticeably.


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Pumpkin belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, genus Cucurbita and is grown primarily as a vegetable or ornamental plant. It is extensively grown throughout tropical and subtropical countries, with the most common types worldwide being Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata, and Cucurbita pepo. The name pumpkin comes from a Greek word ‘pepon’, meaning a large melon. Pumpkins come in different shapes & colour, usually orange but can be yellow, white, green or red.


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Guest post by Naga Sanapally

Elderberry or Sambucus nigra, the Latin name, is one of the most versatile herbs closely tied to human health and healing. The history of Elderberry dates all the way back to 400 BC, and Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” called the Elder tree his “medicine chest”, for it  seemed to cure a wide variety of ailments.


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Plantago lanceolata and major are both common plants that grow across most of the United States and United Kingdom and are a member of the Plantaginaceae family. Plantain, as commonly known, likes to put down roots near human activity and is often found along roadsides, popping up through sidewalk cracks, in meadows and other areas where the soil has been disturbed. Not surprisingly, plantains in the garden are common and are usually considered unwelcome weeds. This is unfortunate because plantain is considered one of the most important healing herbs in the Materica Medica and is probably more nutritious than most of the leafy greens typically cultivated in garden patches.


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Guest post by Naga Sanapally

Everyone longs for the summer getaways to the pools and beaches and sipping cold drinks at the waterside, but the joys of summer can sometimes leave you with sunburn. We are aware that the summer season brings a number of skincare issues that leave skin dry, dehydrated and rough.

It is a known fact that the summer season can use up large quantities of water in the body through sweat making skin look dull and parched. Though we flaunt our fancy hats and umbrellas to beat the heat, it is also important to follow a summer skincare regime to protect the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.


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Spring is the perfect time for renewal of your body - it's time for spring cleaning and detoxification!

This time of year is always so special.  Everything starts to buzz with life and oscillate between bright, fresh, intense sun, extreme wind and rain.  All elements playing their role in generating new bright green growth, vibrant flowers and energy in everything and everyone!  Energy for “Spring Cleaning!”.


The History of Spring Cleaning

There are several thoughts about where the term “Spring Cleaning” came from.  It appears to date back many centuries and could have been influenced by several traditions.  The Jewish tradition during Passover (March and April) requires the removal of all leavened products from the house including  utensils used for making these products.  In doing so it is thought that this time coincided with a thorough clean of the house.


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Image source: This is a beautiful painting by 9th Grade Ajunath Sindhu, from Trissur, Kerala: This student painted to depict his mother’s daily routine, when his father continually introduced his mother as just a housewife and that she doesn’t work. Ajunath was surprised at his father’s comments, because he never saw his mother idle.


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The topic of mental health has been in the media before the advent of Covid. Often looked at in binary terms of those who are healthy and those who have mental illness. The truth, however, is that mental wellness covers a huge spectrum. Even those who are "mentally healthy" can still improve their mental wellness. Without self-awareness and knowledge of how to maintain your mental health, poor mental health is something that can affect anyone of us.