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Fermented foods receive a lot of attention for one reason or another.  Is this justified?

Fermented foods are an ancient technique of preserving food, including cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and kombucha.  These foods are rich in probiotics which help to keep your digestion healthy by populating the gut with beneficial gut bacteria.  With the link between the gut and the brain, fermented foods also have an impact on brain health as well as the immune system.  Seventy percent of our immune is found in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, therefore a healthy gut is essential for a strong immune system.



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The aftermath of the COVID19 pandemic is still emerging as we return to a semi-normal life of eating out, shopping and for some working in the office environment, most of which is under some kind of mask.


What is the fear surrounding COVID19 doing to your first chakra?

The Base chakra, also known as the First, Root and Earth chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the colour red.  It represents tribal connections – society, family, groups etc.   It is the source of the coiled serpent energies of yoga, referred to as “Kundalini” in Sanskrit.  The chakra extends down through the feet to the earth. 


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It is interesting to hear the more recent news bulletins, which in honesty I seldom do because it either lacks interest or is repetition of the same.  However, what caught my attention is the fear that has been generated as part of the fallout from the COVID19 lockdown, which our leaders are trying to address to get the economy up and running by encouraging the general populous to return to work.  We see the fear manifested in different ways, such as parents not wanting children to go back to school, individuals fearful to leave their house and avoidance of using public transport, all with the same underlying cause; the fear of catching COVID19.



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With the loosening of lockdown guidelines of the COVID-19 pandemic, HR directors, CEO’s and other organisation managers will be thinking hard and planning the return to work and how to protect themselves and you, their team members from this particular virus and any other seasonal bug that comes along.

In many cases, due to the physical limitation of space it is not feasible to separate working places, meeting rooms, the use of toilets, the space for lunch and coffee breaks to observe the social distancing guidelines. Therefore, what steps can be taken to protect the environment and people within it? 



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In August 2017, I wrote my first blog on the impact of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the human mind and body.  Of course, there are numerous benefits that we experience in our lives from tools that operate on WiFi, and quite frankly would find it difficult to do without mobile phones and all WiFi driven More information is becoming known to us on the effects of electromagnetic radiation, EMR, on our health and wellbeing. While some can be impacted more than others, children are at the greatest risk. Read here to find tips on how to protect yourself from EMR's effects on your wellbeing.appliances that are now in our homes, cars and offices. 


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The current situation driven by the COVID19 pandemic has forced each one of us to change our normal behaviour patterns.  For some causing chaos and disruption before finding the way to live within your changed environment.  For others the same situation might be bringing the peace and space so often longed for in the busyness of daily life, perceiving this pandemic as a gift.


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Research points to the importance of social relationships.  It is probably fair to say that all members of the animal kingdom demonstrate the need for relationships.  Horses spend time grooming each other, monkeys likewise, deer are seldom found alone. Are humans any different?

When asking someone why they like to work in a particular place, with a particular company usually coming up in the top five reasons is “social relationships”.


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The digestive system is a system that processes organic matter into nutrients and waste.  How good this system is depends on energy levels, state of mind and body as well as longevity.  In general, digestion becomes less effective as we age.

It is an integral part of the body and when not functioning correctly has knock-on effects that can disrupt just about every system, especially immunity as 80% of the immune system is located in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT).  Poor digestion also affects the brain, nervous system, hormonal balance and the ability to detoxify through the liver and skin.



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For many, last week was the first full week back at work since the Christmas break and it may have been a challenge, leaving you feeling stressed, and made even more difficult by doing your best to put all the Christmas decorations away for another year, whilst focusing on keeping new year’s resolutions.


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Telling you to NOT eat those rich foods or drink those festive drinks over the holidays is NOT realistic, is it? Instead, I've come up with some tangible tips you can implement to stay healthy over Christmas.Tis the time of Christmas cheer for most of us in the Western World.  This usually translates into social engagements such as Christmas drinks, office parties, local get-togethers and family gatherings with the aftermath of uncomfortable symptoms from overeating and drinking including brain fog, wind and bloating, to name a few.  The weather doesn’t help either with cold, miserable, grey light-deficient days and long nights.