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Anxiety is something that is creeping into our society on a much more regular basis.  Some sufferers find it completely debilitating and as a result are not able to leave their homes for fear of an attack. For others, it is the leaving of their homes that causes the anxiety in the first place.

On the other end of the spectrum, some people have random attacks, often with no particular trigger.  In other words, anxiety can be an unpleasant emotional state ranging from mild unease to intense fear. 


Watch my video on anxiety here




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The importance and power of antioxidants that have the ability to boost our immune system and thus general health, is huge.   Antioxidants combat free radicals caused by a diet rich in additives, stress, exposure to electronic magnetic radiation and pollutants in the air and water.   

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, thereby leading to chain reactions that may damage the cells of organs.  

Antioxidants protect cells against the effects of free radicals which are produced as a result of the body breaking down food for production of energy, from stress, or when exposed to tobacco smoke, and other contaminants such as PCB’s, and radiation. 


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It is wonderful and very good news that the BBC has been featuring menopause in a week long feature called “Wake up to Menopause”, including identifying symptoms, typical treatments as well as experiences from individual women of all ages, on last week’s breakfast TV.

As a naturopath, herbalist and kinesiologist I look at menopause as a natural process that women go through, just like entering puberty, getting pregnant, giving birth and other major bodily changes which encapsulate the female in all her beauty.  In other words, menopause is not a disease to be treated, it is a natural hormonal change that has, mostly temporary impacts on the female body and emotional balance.



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Are you responsible for your gout?


“Properly cared for, a Savile Row suit can be handed down the generations—like gout.”                                              Ben Schott, Jeeves and the Ki

Ever wondered why you suffer from gut issues, such as bloating and gas, arthritis or gout?  It might be that your acid base balance (the balance between acids and bases) is not within the slim corridor of balance that it needs to be to support many bodily functions?


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Hormone health #Green Key Health

Phthalates are plasticisers that are added to plastics to make them transparent, flexible and durable whilst giving longevity.  The group of chemicals known as phthalates includes many different chemical esters and globally we produce 8.4 million tonnes per year.


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Processed food - Type 2 Diabetes #Green Key Health

It is staggering to know that Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing chronic conditions in the Western world. An estimated 1 in 15 people has Type 2 diabetes in the UK.  That means 3.7 million people suffer with this disease.  Which is equal to 10% of the NHS budget!  How long is it going to take for us to realize that in most cases Type 2 Diabetes is self-inflicted through an inappropriate diet, lack of exercise, and in many instances stress?  This means that this type of diabetes is completely reversible.


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Alkaline diet #Green Key Health

The news report yesterday produced by the EAT Lancet Commission, a non profit start up, has reached a consensus about what makes a healthy, sustainable diet to feed the 7.7 billion in the world today, and the expected 10 billion by 2050.

The EAT Lancet commission is a group of 37 scientists who have come together to address five main issues around a healthy, sustainable diet:


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Immune health £Green Key Health

Cinnamon* (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) is a well recognised spice, and one of the oldest spices.  It is one of the seasonings in “Five Spice Powder”, together with anise, star anise, cloves and fennel seeds.  In the Western world cinnamon features strongly in the colder months, especially at Christmas when it is added to mulled wine, Christmas cakes, mincemeat in mince pies and many other seasonal delicacies. What benefits and effects on health does Cinnamon have?


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Menopause naturally

Menopause is a natural part of any woman’s life, not a disease as some might think.  Women can now expect to live 20-30 years past the menopause.  Quality of life is vital to enjoying these years, including abundant energy, good memory, skin and hair, as well as being able to have a good nights sleep, be free from aches and pains and have a good sex life.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is not the only option out there to achieve this desired life quality.  Treating menopause naturally through diet, herbs, supplements and exercise can make a huge difference to life quality.


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Loneliness and impact on health #Green Key Health

The recent news and discussion on the connection between ill health and loneliness is sad, whilst at the same time the root of many questions.  Humans are social animals.  Socializing in a face-to-face manner may not only be fun, stimulating, comforting and motivational, but also necessary to sustain who we are whilst essential to support a healthy mind and body.

Socialization is about brain stimulation, laughter, positive interaction and contact with others giving each one of us a purpose, whilst feeling valued.  Touching, whether that friendly pat on the back, hug, kiss on the side of the cheek or any other physical contact gives reassurance that we are “alright” and that we are recognized as being a valued part of the community.