Case studies

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Mr M started suffering with Gout in his mid 30’s. It was something his Dad had experienced, and simply thought that it was a genetic issue and there was little that could be done. Initially the attacks were roughly six months apart, which sometimes resulted in the need to take very occasional days off work due to the discomfort and pain.   Gout is when the body is unable to break down uric acid that can lead to the formation of crystals especially in the joints, causing extreme inflammation and pain, especially in the big toe.

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This case study is about a very active, self employed 50 year lady who demands a great deal of herself and of others both mentally and physically due to the nature of the business.  She runs a business that has several divisions, employing approximately 20 full time team members across all divisions and reporting into a board of directors.  In addition to the full time staff she also has an apprenticeship scheme with at any point in time supports 10-12 students.